Premium quality beef from Russia Price per 100 g.: 470 rub. The average weight: 400 - 600 g.
Premium quality beef from Russia Price per 100 g.: 580 rub. The average weight: 600 – 700 g.
Premium quality beef from Russia Price per 100 g.: 780 rub. The average weight: 700 – 1300 g.
T-bone steak. Price per 100 g - 460 rub. The average weight: 700-1000 гр.
Thick end of beef tenderloin 2900 rub.,br> 220/100/40 g.
Premium quality beef from Russia Price per 100 g.: 680 rub. The average weight: 500 - 700 g.
The central part of the tenderloin is the most soft and tender part, the leanest meat. Price per 100 g.: 950 rub. The average weight: 300 - 400 g.
Aromatic herbs| pepper sauces| tabasco |ginger. 100 g.: 480 rub. Average weight of a steak: 700-1000 g.
Ресторанно-гостиничный комплекс
Restaurant and hotel complex