Grilled scallops and tiger shrimps. 160 g. - 1050 руб.
Served with lemon and Tartar sauce on the side. 200/40 g. - 290 rub.
Fried whelk with onion, carrot and celery dressed with Teriyaki sauce. 240 g. - 530 rub.
Mozzarella cheese. 220/40 g. - 370 rub.
White mushrooms, champignons, cream, cheese. 120 g. - 230 rub.
Boiled beef tongue served with boiled potatoes, mustard sauce and horseradish. 160/65/55 g. - 490 rub.
40 g. - 180 rub.
Ресторанно-гостиничный комплекс
Restaurant and hotel complex